is Stoner Cricket Review, where we review movies for Stoners, Ents, and
the like. In today's installment I review “Lincoln.”
Lincoln takes place shortly after Lincoln's reelection during the Civil War and follows the passage of the 13th Amendment.
This is
a blog where we review movies on the big screen to let you know if it’s
worth the use of your cookie, brownie, or tokes off your pipe, etc. We
use the Reddit Ent Scale to represent how stoned we were during the
viewing. On a scale from [1 to 10] during the viewing of Lincoln, I
would say I was about a [2].
Like I
had said before my preferred method is to eat a brownie, cookie or some
other kind of edible. I eat before the show, before even getting there,
and by the time the show is starting it should be taking effect.
We came
up with a rating system of up to 7 thumps up to let you know how much the movie is
worth seeing baked. Is it worth the use of your trees? We don’t want
your trees going to waste! The 7 thumbs up are determined by 3
categories: Effects, Plot, and Sound.
give a
thumb up for Sound. Lincoln is a very word-heavy movie, and it was not
difficult to miss a few words here and there. The
Special Effects for the movie were good. Along with the makeup and
costumes, the special effects did a great job to bring you into the time
period. I give 2
thumbs up for Special Effects. On to Plot, I'd say it was very good. I
felt it was a story that keeps you interested and gives insight into not
only the political situation at the time but also how the U.S.
government works. If
you happen to be a political junkie like Stoner Cricket is, then you
will enjoy the movie. I really liked all the stories and anecdotes that
Lincoln would tell. They were great! I wanted to see and hear more of
them. Daniel Day Lewis does do a great job bringing President Lincoln to life on the big screen, as does Sally Field for Mary Todd Lincoln.
I never realized how much of a bitch Mary Todd was! But, they
complemented each other well. However, because Lincoln is a very
word-heavy movie, I could see it being slightly hard to follow if you
were too high and your mind started to wander. I give 2 thumbs up for
That gives a
grand total of 5 out of 7 thumps up for Lincoln at a [2]. I would
recommend the movie. It would not be a waste of your trees.
for reading this installment of Stoner Cricket Review. Please leave a
comment or your thoughts on the movie, and return to find upcoming
reviews. Thanks for stopping by!
I’m Stoner Cricket.
Follow @StonerCricketRw
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