Saturday, March 9, 2013

Identity Theft - Review by Stoner Cricket

This is Stoner Cricket Review, where we review movies for Stoners, Ents, and the like. In today's installment I review “Identity Theft.”

Identity Theft a Comedy starring Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy. Sandy Patterson has his identity stolen, and by the time he finds out about it, a massive dept has piled up. His credit score has been ruined, and a warrant has been put out for his arrest. After finding out his career and a new promotion in the financial industry are also in jeopardy, he sets out to Florida to find the thief and bring her back to Denver to help him get his life back in order.
This is a blog where we review movies on the big screen to let you know if it’s worth the use of your cookie, brownie, or tokes off your pipe, etc. We use the Reddit Ent Scale to represent how stoned we were during the viewing. On a scale from [1 to 10] during the viewing of Identity Theft, I would say I was about a [5].

Like I had said before my preferred method is to eat a brownie, cookie or some other kind of edible. I eat before the show, before even getting there, and by the time the show is starting it should be taking effect.

We came up with a rating system of up to 7 thumps up for how much the movie is worth seeing baked. Is it worth the use of your trees? We don’t want your trees going to waste. The 7 thumbs up is determined by 4 categories: Comedy, Effects, Plot, and Sound.

I give a thumb up for Sound. Jason Bateman plays the straight man particularly well, similarly to his character on the TV show Arrested Development, who has to deal with crazy people. Melissa McCarthy's character brings a more physical and slapstick kind of comedy to the screen. Identity Theft is a very funny movie--funnier than I expected. I give 2 thumbs up for Comedy. The Special Effects for this movie were good. From the previews I didn't expect to see much action like car chases and crashes. I didn't see any low quality effects during the film, which are often added to comedies. The cinematography was better than I expected form a comedy. I give 2 thumbs up for Effects.

The plot was put together well, not difficult to follow, and didn't feel very predictable. There was just one slow part in the film that I thought could have benefited from a joke or two. I suspect that they couldn't find the right joke to add in, so they just decided to leave it out. I felt the acting was good and entertaining and that the characters they meet along the way were great. Overall, I give 2 thumbs up for Plot.

Giving a total of 7 out of 7 thumps up at a [5], I would highly (lol) recommend the movie Identity TheftIt would not be a waste of your trees. 

Thanks for reading this installment of Stoner Cricket Review. Please leave a comment or your thoughts on the movie, and return to find upcoming reviews. Thanks for stopping by!
I’m Stoner Cricket.

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